Worship Sundays at 10am
Welcome to the First Presbyterian Church of Ithaca, NY! We are a historic Christian congregation in the heart of our city, gathering people from the whole region for inspiring music and preaching. Our commitment to Jesus' work causes us to be progressive in social matters, as we practice the expansive love of Christ, and we warmly welcome you to join us.
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Stewardship 2025
Pledge link
Our church, like all PCUSA churches, survives because of your gifts. While traditionally Christians tithed to the church, giving 10% of their income, we also know that is not possible for so many today. We stay strong despite this because we all come together. Thank you for joining us in supporting the church in 2025.
Sundays in October and November 2025:
October 27: Reformation Sunday! Come and hear the pipes play - with snare drum and bass, and A Mighty Fortress in the old Genevan tradition.
November 3: All Saints Communion. We remember the names of those we have loved, and pay particular attention to the communion of the saints.
November 10: Stewardship Sunday. Join us as we consecrate our pledged gifts and offerings for the coming year.
November 17: Deacons Sunday. Our Deacons lead us in worship and highlight their ministry of care and compassion.
November 24: Thanksgiving Service.