Our worship service and children and youth activities are now in person. We are following COVID-19 CDC guidelines such as wearing masks, social distancing, and using air filtration in our children and youth rooms.
Our Nursery Program:
Our Nursery is open Sunday 9:30-11:30am and is for children 0-Pre-K. If you would like nursery care during a church meeting or Adult Ed please email the DCE, Mylika Selah.
Please use the link below to give anonymous feedback about your experience with the nursery program.

Our Children's Program:
Our Sunday School program for children ages K-6 meets during the church service from 10:15-11:10am. Sunday School uses a creative curriculum which focuses on story telling and allows the children to explore the their faith through the wondering, play, and creating with different materials. This program allows children to explore larger dimensions of belief and theological meaning.
The above photo is one of the ways children explored the story using art. We meet every Sunday during the worship service on the second floor, across from the nursery.
Our Youth Program:
Our middle school and high school students meet weekly NOW on Sunday at 11:15-12:30 pm. We have a creative curriculum which applies scripture to daily life with service activities, discussions, and hands-on, interactive group projects.
If you know a curious middle school or high school student who wants to learn about themselves, religion, and have fun, please come! Our group is open to you. We welcome and affirm all young people. We affirm LGBTQIA+ and all identities, cultures and learning styles, including young people of all backgrounds.

Four of our children and youth, MJ, Maeve, Olivia, and Annalee, visiting the SPCA to look for a community church dog.
Want to Learn More?
For more information, contact the Director of Christian Education, Mylika Selah, at Mylika.FPCI@gmail.com. You can also call or text 516-324-2626, or call the office at 607-272-2800 x224.
Our upcoming classes and events are published monthly in the Good News church newsletter, available via e-mail or postal mail. Please reach out to church.fpci@gmail.com to be added to our mailing list.