It's easy to decide education is only for the young. We believe education is for all, and that God calls us all to be "like children" because we can only grow when we are open to correction. Jesus said, "whoever does not receive the kingdom of heaven like a child will not enter it;" and "whoever humbles themselves like a child is the greatest in God's kingdom."
Kirianne told us once in a sermon about her host father in Ghana. One day many years ago, teachers came to Charles' village asking families if they wanted to send their children to school. Charles' son Paul was just the right age at that time. "Would he like to learn to read and write?" they asked. Charles said Paul would, and then asked: "May I come and learn to read and write too?" Charles started first grade alongside his son, and now serves his village as their pastor.
In the pages here, learn more about educational opportunities for all ages!
Click here to learn about Sunday School and Youth activities
Click here to learn about Adult Education
Click here to learn about Youth Choir
Click here to learn about the Chancel Choir
Click here to apply for the Deacons’ Scholarship program